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¿Que personaje eres?

4 participantes

 :: Anime y Manga :: Fma

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¿Que personaje eres? Empty ¿Que personaje eres?

Mensaje  Haru Shikai Jue Ago 21, 2008 3:20 pm

Hola! xD estube escuchando la cancion "good!!" de fma y me dio por buscar test de personalidad, aqui os dejo uno.

es la version traducida ya que el original esta en frances

¿Que personaje eres? 1122464777_ersHUGHES2
xDDDD soy Hughes xD que fuerte... *-* es un honor.

Aqui os dejo otros! luego edito y pongo que me ha salido.....

Quien es tu novio de fma?

Que homunculo eres?

Que personaje es ideal para ti? (chicas solo)
Edward Elric....Congrats, you are the proud owner of the official hottest hottie in anime history! He has striking, gorgeous golden eyes, long, blond hair, and is real hot! He dous NOT like to be called small, but maybe since your so perfect for him...he won't mind...

xD luego busco mas


Los de yuko
You know your Full Metal Alchemist!
You've actually been paying attension! Good for you! Since you know so much you probobly thought that some of the answers I put down were funny.

Última edición por Haru Shikai el Jue Ago 21, 2008 4:24 pm, editado 1 vez
Haru Shikai
Haru Shikai

Mensajes : 159
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2008
Edad : 32
Localización : Preparando una broma para el Rey con los gemelos... kukuku

Hoja de personaje
Barra de Vida: 200/200


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¿Que personaje eres? Empty Re: ¿Que personaje eres?

Mensaje  Yuko Akawe Jue Ago 21, 2008 3:52 pm

Pos a verr que hay algunas cosas interesantes XD

-En el francés...el cual entendí mejor sin traducir la verdad..

¿Que personaje eres? 11224610

-en el de novio...je

He's pretty cool..... a bit perverted, but cool. He'd use his flame
alchemy to protect from danger and want you to wear a short
mini-skirt... Otherwise he's perfect for you.
How you meet him: You would go to his office to use the phone and
hear him wanting all female alchemists to wear short mini-skirts, and he'd notice you
wearing my mini-skirt and you'd go
on a date, then he'd admit he likes you and become your boyfriend.
His present to you: A mini-skirt

-Soy mi prefe de los malos *-*

¿Que personaje eres? 11839610

You are most like Greed. A further misunderstood individual with a hard shell and a softer heart. Although you don't like to admit it, you may have a stronger understanding of your surroundings than most people think. You can easily manipulate people with your charm and yes, you may have a greed for things. Whether these things are of physical value or of mental value to you, I'm not sure. You should take in more of your surroundings and pay stronger attention to detail. You're a strong individual, and you may find it hard to attach yourself or open up to others. You shouldn't ever be afraid, but use your good sense of who you can and can not trust.

-El segundo de compatibilidad...

Roy Mustang! He's litterally a hot guy! He is 100% tall, hot eye candy, and if he loves you enough....you might be able to sneak a little kiss...just watch out for that pistol-packing anooyance, Riza Hawkeye!

---Otros test---

-Test de conocimientos -link

You know your Full Metal Alchemist!
You've actually been paying attension! Good for you! Since you know so much you probobly thought that some of the answers I put down were funny.

-Otro de personalidad-link

¿Que personaje eres? 11192210
Heh..I loveh this picture! Ahem..Anyways, you turn out to be Roy-sama! You are always making sarcasting quips and chasing after mini-skirts! You are NEVER worng (rain: in your world --Wink and always have to win everything! Hope you enjoyed the quiz!

-Este no es del todo de full metal pero...test sobre inners XD-link

¿Que personaje eres? 11338810

Your inner child is masterbating. Your inner child shows that your are a perverted freak! But hey you have more fun in your own way then most, so I guess in a way go you!

...en serio,estoy orgullosa TT-TT

-Otro test de personalidad homuncula-link

¿Que personaje eres? 11036810

They kept me locked all this time!
Greed is dangerous, but as his personality doesn't allow him to interact with other powerfull people, he is sometimes useless. It is important to have friends and to make part of something, but Greed finds it hard.
Yuko Akawe
Yuko Akawe

Mensajes : 106
Fecha de inscripción : 26/07/2008
Edad : 32
Localización : ~Junto a mi harén de chicos~

Hoja de personaje
Barra de Vida: 200/200

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¿Que personaje eres? Empty Re: ¿Que personaje eres?

Mensaje  Helga Jue Ago 21, 2008 5:04 pm

Uuu más test!! xD
A ver qué sale...

¿Que personaje eres? 1122464777_ersHUGHES2
Soy Hughes?? En serio??

He's pretty cool..... a bit perverted, but cool. He'd use his flame
alchemy to protect from danger and want you to wear a short
mini-skirt... Otherwise he's perfect for you.
How you meet him: You would go to his office to use the phone and
hear him wanting all female alchemists to wear short mini-skirts, and he'd notice you
wearing my mini-skirt and you'd go
on a date, then he'd admit he likes you and become your boyfriend.
His present to you: A mini-skirt
Pero la minifalda la tiro XD

You are most like Gluttony. You may be a very misunderstood individual. You're very quiet and prefer to stay oblivious to certain things in the world. You may prefer to look at the world more optimistically or simply don't really care. Your own happiness and well being concern you most and you should know, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. you may be looked down upon by many, but you may not think anything of it. Though you might not express it often, you actually do know what's going on around you. You do hae a brain and are smart enough to realize that not everything has to be taken so seriously. Remember this though, sometimes, you may have to be serious and apply yourself. Don't be afraid to really speak your mind and say what you think in a situation, not matter what it may be.
Increíble... O.o Pero cierto...

Y el segundo de compatibilidad... *redoble de tambores...*
Edward Elric....Congrats, you are the proud owner of the official hottest hottie in anime history! He has striking, gorgeous golden eyes, long, blond hair, and is real hot! He dous NOT like to be called small, but maybe since your so perfect for him...he won't mind...
Ahora sí que sí... OMFG

Ahora a ver los de Yuko:

--El de conocimientos:
You know your Full Metal Alchemist!
You've actually been paying attension! Good for you! Since you know so much you probobly thought that some of the answers I put down were funny.

--El de personalidad:
¿Que personaje eres? 1121537156_turesriza1
Cooleh! You are Hawkeye-kun! She's so cool! You are unrelenting and unwavering loyal to your duty, no matter how cracked the person who gave you an order may be. You are great with handling guns and love to use them (Rain: ::backs away slowly:Smile. I believe you are truly in love with Roy Mustang!! ^^ Hope you enjoyed the quiz! =3
Esto me convence más XD

--Test sobre inners...?:
¿Que personaje eres? 1133884694_PMyPicturesanimeal5
Your inner child is reading and making comics! Your very creative and very smart! You should be proud of your self! Congrats!!!

--Ya es el último, verdad...? Qué pechá de test xDDD:
¿Que personaje eres? 1103683192_estelust1a
Where are we and where are we from?
Lust is the kind of woman who knows how to acomplish her goals. She is sexy, mean and enigmatic.

Mensajes : 39
Fecha de inscripción : 27/07/2008
Edad : 31
Localización : Templo de Atal'Hakkar

Hoja de personaje
Barra de Vida: 200/200

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¿Que personaje eres? Empty Re: ¿Que personaje eres?

Mensaje  Gini-Gini Jue Ago 21, 2008 8:18 pm

al 1º Hughes (mi favo!! XD aunq no se como, xq casi no entendia nada a pesar de estar en Español XD)

mi novio en FMA: YOU GOT EDWARD ELRIC!!!
He may be short but he's cute alright. He may have a short (haha,
get it, short?) temper, and hate it if he calls you short but he'd love
you and protect you the best he can.
Way you meet him: You would be walking down the road beside him
and all of a sudden someone would yell "Hey shorty!!!!"
Then you would both yell "I'M NOT A PIPSQUEAK!!!!!"
After that you would hanging out, then eventually he'd ask you to be his girlfriend.
His present to you: A necklace that he bought in town

el homunculo... You are most like Envy. Your moods may have a tendancy to shift very quickly. You may have a rather nasty temper and a more pessimistic view on things in life. You are extremely powerful though, and the gift of great creativity is there to be brought out. You could make a very good warrior, the thing to remember is to not let things get you down no matter how nasty they are. Your determination is astounding.
MENTIRA!! YO ODIO A ENVIDIA!! seguro q es xq las k no entendia las puse a boleo ¬¬ XD

y el último...
Edward Elric....Congrats, you are the proud owner of the official hottest hottie in anime history! He has striking, gorgeous golden eyes, long, blond hair, and is real hot! He dous NOT like to be called small, but maybe since your so perfect for him...he won't mind...

Mensajes : 98
Fecha de inscripción : 15/08/2008
Localización : en todos sitios. Yo soy Dios


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